Tagged: WiFi

How To Use VPN On Nexus 7

How To Use VPN On Nexus 7

Learn how to use VPN on Nexus 7. Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow you to connect to the resources inside a secured local network, from outside

SetUp Wi-Fi On iPod Touch

SetUp Wi-Fi On iPod Touch

You can connect your iPod to internet through Wi-Fi hotspot. Usually coffee shops, fast food restaurants or perhaps your neighbors will leave their wireless access point open for use. You will not be able to access a wireless connection that is password protected, that is why the owner of that network setup a password for their connection its to keep other people from using the connection. Connecting to a wireless hot spot that isnt Public is illegal in most states.

Connect iPod Touch To Internet

Connect iPod Touch To Internet

The iPod Touch uses Wi-Fi to connect online to the internet, means it can connect a network at home, office or anywhere that offers open Wi-Fi, you will needed a password if the network is protected.