Author: Haridas Gowra

Erase All Data On iPod Touch

Erase All Data On iPod Touch

You may be selling your iPod or giving it to your neighbours and you want to delete all the personal information, emails, apps and everything in the iPod. You can erase all the data, follow the simple steps below

Add Special Effects On iPod Nano Videos

Add Special Effects On iPod Nano Videos

You can add different number of special on the iPod Nano. It can be added only before you begin shooting a video and cant add one for an existing one or during taking a video. For adding the special effects follow the steps below

Turn Off 3G On iPhone

Turn Off 3G On iPhone

3G on the iPhone is really good because it sends data to your iPhone faster which could also means better call quality and faster data transfer. But the reason to turn it off is for improving the battery life. It is even worse on the battery if you are in a area where 3G is weak or unavailable.

Quit An iPhone App

Quit An iPhone App

The iPhone freezes sometimes when you are using app or you may hate using it. Here is a tip for your iPhone or iPod Touch users where you can force it to quit.

Setting iPhone To Vibrate

Setting iPhone To Vibrate

The iPhone comes with a switch on the top left side where you can put your phone in silent mode. This feature will turn off your ringer

Updating iPhone Firmware

Updating iPhone Firmware

You can keep your device up to date to make use of it. Updating the firmware of iPhone or iPod Touch is very simple, follow the steps below

Upload iPhone Videos To YouTube

Upload iPhone Videos To YouTube

You can upload your iPhone videos to YouTube, first of all what you need are a YouTube account. Sign up to a YouTube account, follow the simple steps below