Category: Apple

Apple iPad finally comes to India

Apple iPad finally comes to India

Apple iPad finaly comes to India. Apple brings the iPad to India, you can get the iPad from nearest Apple retailers. The tablet price starts from Rs. 27,900. And the base price of Apple iPad (16GB wi-fi)is selling at Rs.33,000 only.

Iomega Back up your data and Charges your iPhone

Iomega Back up your data and Charges your iPhone

Iomega a back up manager and charger for iPhone is here to avoid the loss of data and contacts from your iPhone. You can install the device from App store, through Super Hero app, Since it acts as a Super Hero of your iPhone.

Apple IOS 4.3 Beta with videos

Apple IOS 4.3 Beta with videos

Apple IOS 4.3 beta version is released to the developers. The beta is mainly for IOS devices and 2nd generation Apple TV. It mainly supporting the following devices iPad, iPhone 4 and 3GS, iPod touch 3rd and 4th generation. It features Multi-touch gestures, Finger gestures, Pinch to home screen, Swiping up to bring multitasking tray, Swiping left/right to switch Apps, Personal hotspot and many more.

Avatars of iPhone (Free Applications)

Avatars of iPhone (Free Applications)

A iPhone can do and be used as many things. While you walk along cool breeze around the park, you could see senior citizens listening music and jogging. Girls speak in a mild voice in next cubicle using it. Quietly guys chatting with it in office pantry.