How To Switch Between Email Accounts – Samsung Galaxy Note Pro

How To Switch Between Email Accounts - Samsung Galaxy Note Pro

Learn how to switch between email accounts on Samsung Galaxy Note Pro. Email enables to review and create email using various email services.

  • Touch Email icon. Your Email screen displays showing your emails from the active account.
  • Touch the Inbox button icon at the top of the screen. Your Email accounts screen displays.
  • Touch the Email account Inbox you would like to make active.


  • Touch Combined view to display email messages from all accounts. The new Email account inbox or Combined inbox displays.

Syncing Email Accounts

Syncing refreshes your tablet with the accounts servers. When you set up an email account, you can choose whether the account syncs in the background, or manually.

  • Touch Email icon > Refresh icon.

Deleting Email Accounts

To delete an Email account:

  • Touch Email icon.
  • Touch Menu Key > Settings.
  • Touch an email account and then touch Delete account.

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