Understand Redstone In Minecraft Easy

Gaming Category

Understand Redstone In Minecraft Easy

Redstone is very useful in the game Minecraft as it’s kind of like electricity in real life. With redstone, you can power iron doors (so you don’t have to remember to close it), make traps, and so many more. But redstone is difficult to understand for newbies. Continue reading the simple steps below to understand

OK lets just get to the basics of TNT. Place one TNT block on ground and decide if you want red stone to show or not.

Showing: Dig 1 block down and place one red stone right below the TNT.

Place another red stone by the other red stone (make sure its underground).

Get back up using the stairs you made.

Place a whatever block next to the TNT in ones sides ( So they will hide the red stone).

Place either a switch/pressure plate/button next to the red stone.

Activate the switch/pressure plate/button.

How to make the red stone not show: (VERY EASY).

Place red stone on the same layer as the TNT.

Place and activate the switch/pressure plate/button.

Enjoy the boom!


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