Screencapture From Windows Media Player

Screencapture From Windows Media Player

You can capture a still image from Windows Media Player, follow the simple steps below

Open Windows Media Player.

Click >tools >options >performance then click the advanced tab.

Uncheck the option >use overlays.

Make sure the options for video legacy rendering are checked.

Check the option for video mixer rendering

Select OK then APPLY the new settings and close the program. You can now do captures with Windows Media Player.

Full Screen Capture

Open your video file in Windows Media Player and go to full screen mode.

When you get to the frame you want to capture, pause the video then press the PRINT SCREEN key on your keyboard. This temporarily sends the capture to the clipboard.

Open up Paint or Paintshop Pro or any of the graphics programs and then paste the clipboard contents. Name it then save it to disk as an image file.


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