Reduce Bounce Rate Of A Website With These Tried and Tested Tips!

Website Analytics
Website Analytics

“Bounce rate is the percentile value of a single page visit or web sessions, in which the user leaves your website from landing page without browsing pages further”.

Bounce rate is your website’s conversion killer, but it can be one of the most mysterious metrics of digital marketing when it comes to gauging the overall statistics.

In simpler words, it is also defined as, when a visitor “bounces” from a website, and leave it after viewing only one page. While it often defines a bad user experience, sometimes, a high bounce rate is also a sign of a positive user experience. For instance, if someone is searching for a DIY, and immediately get the instructions from the first page only, then this would be great user experience.

If you want to enhance the user experience and want to combat the high bounce rate, here are some tried and tested tips to help you:

Optimize Page Load Time:

As per stats, users expect a page load to load in less than three second. So, when a user has to wait more than the said time, it creates an image of the poor website. This also makes one-page optimization difficult, thereby reducing the bounce rate.

The stats are also true for the mobile users, as the connection speed delay of even 2 seconds can lead to peak frustration and thereby decrease engagement.

Don’t Clog Things, Make The Content More Accessible:

Have you ever been on a website loaded with the wall of text and paragraphs? Quite intimidating, right!

Even if your content is unique and valuable, it will not impress users, if published in a bad way. So, make sure that your page has a welcoming and accessible format. Hire a professional service to put catchy and attractive content.

Remember, the easy a visitor will reach to what they are looking, the more likely things will impress them and will make them stick to the page.

Also, don’t scare your visitors with the packed paragraphs. Instead, make it look impressive; use white space to make things approachable and readable. Here is what more you can do make your content approachable:

  • Use appropriate headers
  • Suitable images
  • Subheading with H1 and H2 tags
  • Bullet points

Make Navigation Easy:

Make sure that navigating things on your website should be easy and effortless for the users. For instance, when a user gets onto a website, they want clear directions of the page where the thing they are looking resides. If it would be complex to navigate, the user will bounce from the site immediately.

Avoid Pop-Ups And Don’t Disrupt The UX:

Popups are one of the major reasons for high bounce rate. Imagine the flashy sidebars and the interrupting popups landing on your page after every second; Disturbing!

Well, there is no denying that popups can boost your e-mail list, it can also lead to a bad user experience. So, if you want to build a long-term site that has organic traffic, avoid popups, or at least, make them less annoying and unobtrusive.

Do not let your valuable visitors bounce back, optimize user experiences, so that you would have high leads and less bounce rate!

Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams is the content creator of '' which is an online platform providing services in SEO, Pay per click, web designing, PHP web development, and so on. With over years of experience, the company offers the best services in the digital arena in Orlando.

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