How To Use Credential Storage Settings On Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

How To Use Credential Storage Settings On Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

Learn to use Credential storage settings on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

Trusted Credentials

If a certificate authority (CA) certificate gets compromised or for some other reason you do not trust it, you can disable or remove it.

  • From a Home screen, touch Apps > Settings > Security.
  • Touch Trusted credentials.
  • The trusted credentials screen has two tabs:
    • System: Displays CA certificates that are permanently installed in the ROM of your device.
    • User: Displays any CA certificates that you installed, for example, in the process of installing a client certificate.
  • Touch a CA certificate to examine its details. A scrolling screen displays the details.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the details screen and touch Disable to disable a System certificate or Remove to remove a User certificate.

Note: When you disable a system CA certificate, the Disable button changes to Enable, so you can enable the certificate again, if necessary. When you remove a user-installed CA certificate, it is permanently deleted and must be re-installed, if needed.

  • Touch OK to return to the certificate list. When enabled, a check mark tick appears in the check box.

Install from Device Storage

  • Install encrypted certificates from an installed memory card.

Note: You must have installed a memory card containing encrypted certificates to use this feature.

  • From a Home screen, touch Apps > Settings > Security.
  • Touch Install from device storage, then choose a certificate and follow the prompts to install.

Clear Credentials

  • Clear stored credentials.

Note: This setting only appears if you have installed encrypted certificates.

  • From a Home screen, touch Apps > Settings > Security.
  • Touch Clear credentials to remove all certificates.


This article will work on both Samsung Galaxy Tabs; including Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1.

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