How To Move Icons In Apps Menu On Samsung Galaxy S4

How To Move Icons In Apps Menu On Samsung Galaxy S4

Learn how to move the icons on the apps menu on your Samsung Galaxy S4.

  • Press Home key to activate the main Home screen.
  • Tap Apps icon to display your current applications.
  • Tap the Apps tab at the top of the screen if it is not already selected.
  • Press Menu key and tap View type.
  • Tap Customizable grid. A green circle will appear next to the option.
  • Press Menu key and tap Edit.
  • Scroll through the list and locate the icon you wish to move.
  • Touch and drag the icon to the position that you want. To move to a different page, drag the icon to the edge of the page until the page scrolls to the desired page.
  • Tap Save.
  • Press Home key to return to the Home screen.

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