How To Boost Your Damage With Tactical Cloak In Mass Effect 3

How To Boost Your Damage With Tactical Cloak In Mass Effect 3

If you are playing as an Infiltrator; upgrade the Tactical cloak first. You can boost your damage with tactical cloak, follow the simple steps below.

Upgrade the Tactical Cloak; focus on reducing cool down time and increasing duration.

You get the huge damage bonus for attacking from cloaked.

If you reduce the cooldown time; every time you take cover, you may as well cloak well before peeking out and firing.

Slower and Powerful weapons like Sniper Rifles and Shot guns, thats a huge dose of damage and youll be ready to re-cloak inside of second.

Raja Rajan

Raja is obsessed with technology and Cricket for as long as he can remember. Nowadays he work as a freelance developer and writer for

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