How To Earn Bonus Upgrades And Abilities In Mass Effect 3

Gaming Category

How To Earn Bonus Upgrades And Abilities In Mass Effect 3

You can earn upgrades and abilities in Mass Effect 3. Follow the simple steps below.

Between the Priority Missions, make a tour to each deck of the Normandy and talk to your crew.

There are chances of having a bonus Mission, new dialogue, or in some cases, an upgrade.

Same for the Citadel; after each mission, new NPCs will appear here and reveal new side-missions.

Listen for a bleep as you wander around; this means someone has been marked on your map that you can interact with.

Talking to squad members between missions can also unlock a bonus power.

If you don’t have a good anti-armour ability, talk to Liara a lot and you’ll get Warp Ammo.

Talk to James and you get Carnage, a good splash damage skill.


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