Build A Brick Fireplace With Chimney In Minecraft

Gaming Category

Build A Brick Fireplace With Chimney In Minecraft

You can build a brick fireplace with an exterior chimney, follow the simple steps below

Get a bunch of clay and cook them into bricks in an oven. Clay can be found on sandy beaches and are gray blocks (not to be confused with gravel). When destroyed, you get 4 pieces of clay.

Assemble 4 bricks in your crafting spots to make full sized placeable bricks.

Dig out a 2 wide by 4 wide holes up to the ceiling on an exterior wall of your base.

Dig out the 2 bricks on the floor in the center of the hole you just made.

Line the hole with brick blocks, place 2 netherrack in the floor holes and cover the rest of the fireplace one block deeper.

Extend the chimney as high as you want out of the side of your base.

Light up the netherrack with your flint and tinder and enjoy a cozy fire!


  • You can substitute bricks for another type of material (except for wood, wooden planks, or wool)
  • Don’t build it with a wooden house or it will burn down. Trust me I tried it and lost half of my mansion that i built. To make matters worse i had wooden floors underneath the house where bedrock was. They burnt down. The only remaining part was the right hand side of the house and tunnels as i put the fire out before it claimed my tunnels, base, and house.
  • Don’t build it in a flammable house unless you KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
  • If building the fireplace in a wooden house, add a brick lining so your house won’t catch on fire


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