Become Good At Counter Strike

Gaming Category

Become Good At Counter Strike

You can become good at Counter Strike, it is all about the skills and not luck. Follow the simple steps below

Aim. Think that someone is camping (crouching in a spot) in a corner. Imagine. If you are encountering an enemy, Go for the head because it’s vulnerable than the other body parts. If they crouch, just lower the gun for their head.

Sneak. When you are running, your footsteps can be heard and other players would know that you are running against them. Try sneak very often, if it is 1 player versus another.

Take advantage of teamwork. Sometimes when you have a feeling when you are going to get killed being a rogue, following your teammates if a good way. But it’s cowardly to follow your teammates.

Go Rogue. If you want to film your skills, don’t follow teammates. Go alone. Follow all steps but “Teamwork.

Take screenshots: Your friends think you suck. Surprise them. Taking screenshots at your stats usually proves a lot. But if you really suck and you can’t take it, just edit the picture in Paint, by inserting ping, editing names and other stuff.


If you suck and they want to see you at a LAN-Party, that’s a big problem. If they see that you suck, they will probably tease you and humiliate you. So sometimes, don’t edit pictures.


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