Be Real Life Minecraft Creeper

Gaming Category

Be Real Life Minecraft Creeper

If you want to scare your friends by acting like a creeper in Minecraft, you can act like one to get a few laughs. Follow the simple steps below

Create a Creeper costume; you can make one out of cardboard. If you don’t have cardboard, you can be a human version of the Creeper by wearing green (ex. green toque, a Creeper T-Shirt, green pants, etc).

Collect water bombs, air soft grenades, or just a plain old toy bomb.

Sneak up behind your friends or people playing real life Minecraft or aren’t paying attention and simply use whatever you have (water bomb, air soft grenades etc.) on you. This works best if your victim is wearing a blue shirt and jeans.


  • You can also do a LARP (Live Action Role Play) of Minecraft with your friends. Make different rules about how it goes (ex. loser loses all his items when he dies)
  • Wear sneakers or running shoes (best if it’s green) in case your victim didn’t like what you did to him/her.
  • Make sure someone is okay with getting wet.
  • Usually whatever you do to someone happens to you because things like the air soft grenade will hurt you too.
  • Make sure the victim can take a joke. If the person that you threw the bomb at looks enraged, run!


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