Use S++ Commodity Exchange

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Use S++ Commodity Exchange

Have extra materials lying around your Minecraft base that you wish you could trade in for cooler stuff? Or maybe you really want a lot of a particular material for a project and can’t get enough of it? Well, the SE++ commodity exchange is for you. Follow the simple steps below

Trade In What You Have For Something Else

Great! You have a lot of stuff you want to convert into cooler items! In that case, let’s start with how many credits “CRD” your stuff is worth.

Trade stuff in!

Each resource has a “Trade in” rate. Each time you deposit in the Trade-in rate, you earn 1 CRD.


For example, lets say that Netherbrick has a “Trade-in” rate of 20.

  • You have 80 Netherbrick that you want to trade in. You start by depositing 20, which meets the Trade-in rate and earns you one CRD. Now you have 1 CRD and 60 Netherbrick. If you want, you can trade in the remaining 60 Netherbrick for 3 more CRD, giving you 4 total.
  • Trading in doesn’t have to be in whole numbers. If, for example, you had 70 Netherbrick and traded it all in, you could have 3.5 CRD to use.

Get stuff!

Above each resource, you’ll find a “Take” rate. Each CRD you’ve earned gives you the Take rate amount of the item you want.


continuing the example in step one, lets say you traded in 80 Netherbrick to get 4 CRD. Glass has a take rate of 120.

  • You spend one CRD to get 120 glasses, leaving us with 120 glass and 3 CRD. If you want, you can trade in the remaining 3 CRD for glass, giving you 480 glass total.
  • If you have CRDs in fractions, simply multiply that fraction by the take rate. If you have 3.5 CRD, you can trade in 3 CRD for 360 glass (120*3), and then the remaining .5 CRD for 60 glass (120*.5) for a total of 420 glass.

    Confused as to how to get CRD? Go back to step one!


To help us monitor what goods are moving and adjust prices accordingly, dont forget to record what you traded in and took on the Lapis Board on the first floor.


  • Lets say doktorjake trades in 80 Netherbrick and converts all of it to 480 glass. He would write:

    gave 80 Nbrk
    took 480 Glas
    + 0 CRD

  • Now lets say doktorjake traded in 80 Netherbrick, but only needed 120 glass and kept the remaining 3 CRD to use later. He would write:

    gave 80 Nbrk
    took 120 Glas
    + 3 CRD

    doktorjake can now use those 3 CRD on another resource any time in the future, even if the rates for how much 1 CRD is worth changes! Profit!

Trade To Get A Specific Quantity Of Another Material

Determine how many CRD you need.

Each resource has a take value. To take this many resources, you need 1 CRD. To obtain more resources than the take value, you need enough CRD to meet the size of your order.


lets say the “Take” value of obsidian is 6.

  • You need 12 obsidian to complete your project, and you need 1 CRD for each time you take 6 obsidian. To meet your order, you need 2 CRD.
  • With much larger numbers, you can just divide what you need by the Take rate to see how many CRD you need. If you needed 270 obsidian, you would need 270/6 = 45 CRD.
  • Sometimes, the quantity you need doesn’t come out to whole numbers. Let’s say you need 303 obsidian. You would need 303/6 = 50.5 CRD.

Determine how much you need to trade in.

Each resource has a “Trade-in” rate. To obtain the number of CRD we found in step one, we need to keep trading in resources until we have enough CRD to trade for the resources we want.


Use the same values found for obsidian in step one. Now lets say redstone has a Trade-in rate of 90, and you have a lot of redstone.

  • If 12 obsidian takes 2 CRD, then you need 2 CRD worth of redstone. You trade in 90 redstone to get one CRD, then trade in another 90 redstone to get the 2 CRD we need. At the end of the day, you’ve traded in 180 redstone for 2 CRD, and then traded 2 CRD for 12 obsidian.
  • With much larger numbers, you can just multiply the trade-in rate of the item you’re depositing to see how much you need to deposit. If you need 45 CRD to get 270 obsidian, you need to deposit 45*90 = 4,050 redstone. At the end of the day, you’ve deposited 4,050 redstone for 45 CRD, then traded 45 CRD for 270 obsidian.
  • To obtain fractions of CRD, multiply the fractional CRD by the trade-in rate of the item you’re depositing. If you need 50.5 CRD, trade in 50*90 = 4,500 redstone and then trade in .5*90 = 45 redstone. At the end of the day, you’ve traded in 4,545 redstone for 50.5 CRD, then traded 50.5 CRD for 303 obsidian.


To help us monitor what goods are moving and adjust prices accordingly, dont forget to record what you traded in and took on the Lapis Board on the first floor.


  • Lets say doktorjake trades in 180 Redstone to get 12 obsidian. He would write:

    gave 180 RStn
    took 12 Obsd
    + 0 CRD

  • Now lets say doktorjake traded in 180 Redstone, but only needed 6 Obsidian and kept the remaining 1 CRD to use later. He would write:

    gave 180 RStn
    took 6 Obsd
    + 1 CRD

    doktorjake can now use that 1 CRD on another resource any time in the future, even if the rates for how much 1 CRD is worth changes! Profit!


Raja Rajan Avatar

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