Strafe In Counter Strike: Source

Strafe In Counter Strike: Source

You can strafe in maps such as scoutzknivez, follow the simple steps below

Join a server thats playing on scoutzknivez.

Make sure the server has the proper settings (gravity, air accelerate).

Jump off the ground. To turn right, press your move right button (default d) and move your mouse to the right. To turn left, press your move left button (default a) and move your mouse to the left. While you are strafing in the air, do not press the forward (default w) button.

As soon as you land, press the jump button (default space) again. If you do it right, you should pick up speed with every jump.

This will become easier as you practice. If you just want to practice strafing and don’t want to fight, go to an empty scoutzknivez server.

Strafing is also good for knifing, because you can swoop down on a unsuspecting person.

Once you are good at strafing, try playing at a surf server.

To surf, press a if youre at the right side of the ramp and d if you are on the left side. DON’T press w at all. The ramps usually curve downward and then they go up sharply, which will let you fly into the air. Once you have picked up speed on a few ramps, you can strafe in the air and strafe to different ramps. It is very fun once you get the hang of it.

Holding your knife while you are surfing lets you go a little bit faster.


  • Just keep practicing.
  • Watch people who are good at strafing.
  • May be hard at first.

Raja Rajan

Raja is obsessed with technology and Cricket for as long as he can remember. Nowadays he work as a freelance developer and writer for

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