Shoot An Ak 47 Or M4A1 On Counter Strike

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Shoot An Ak 47 Or M4A1 On Counter Strike

You can shoot an Ak 47 and M4A1 like a CAL player, follow the simple steps below

Long Range

  • Develop your reflexes. You have a much better chance of scoring your headshot if you can move your crosshair onto your target faster.
  • Fire in bursts of 2 or 3 with an AK, and bursts of 3 or 4 with the M4.
  • Put recoil to good use. At extremely long distances, it is best to aim for the upper chest. Not only will your target suffer the damage from a bullet to the chest, the recoil of the second or third shot will usually take his head off.
  • Use the strafing method. The strafing method is where you fire 2-3 shots with your rifle, then strafe either left or right a short distance and then fire again. Making sure you maintain your aim, rinse, and repeat. Try not to be too predictable, strafing left and right alternatively will make you an easy target. Try strafing in sporadic, unpredictable patterns.
  • Do not crouch and stay still. Despite your aim being steadied when you are crouched, you are made an easy target. If you want to crouch, try using the popping method – strafing normally until you are about to fire, and quickly tapping the control key. While you are descending into a crouch, fire a bullet or two off. This is a fast, accurate, and effective way of killing long range.

Medium Range

  • You can use the above method when encountering a target at medium range, but depending on how far/close from you he is, you can fire more bullets. With the AK and using the popping method, you can afford to shoot 4-5 bullets.

Short Range

  • Although many people would advise against it, controlled and disciplined spraying is a very effective method of killing short range. The M4 is certainly better suited for spraying than the AK because of recoil pattern differences.
  • Do not ‘spray ‘n’ pray’. When you are spraying, do not panic, and keep your aim controlled. Depending on how close your enemy is from you, you may want to aim slightly lower than the head or body to compensate for recoil.


  • Practice makes perfect. If you aren’t good at aiming, these skills won’t develop overnight. Keep at it and they will accrue over time.
  • Watch your ammo meter. There is nothing more gut-wrenching than being locked in a fast-paced close quarter fire fight and hearing the ‘ting’ of your ammo chamber resound. While playing, keep a good eye on it and when it gets low, quick switch to your pistol. It is not recommended to wait until you are completely out of bullets to switch.
  • Know your limits. If you are shooting close range and more of your enemies appear, back away and recuperate, and reload. Do not attempt anything that you know is pointless – rushing is a good tactic, but do not rush 5-6 enemies alone, if you know you won’t make a kill.
  • Sound. A good soundcard and set of headphones make all the difference fighting in close quarters. Waiting behind a door or outside an entrance because you heard footsteps is a very good and easy way to get headshots.
  • Don’t run around like an idiot. Even outside of combat, aim your crosshair around head level, in case anyone catches you by surprise. Walking (or running) around aiming at the floor or sky just means you will waste more time trying to aim at the enemies’ head – time which they could possibly kill you in.
  • Watch out for flash bangs. Always turn around when encountering a flash bang, or face a wall.
  • Don’t get frustrated. Be cool – CS: S is a game that always disappoints, no matter how good you are.
  • Don’t get caught broke. Manage your money efficiently. It is best to save up and skip buying the $2500 AK or the $3100 M4 when the rest of your team don’t – buying an M4 and rushing when your teammates only have pistols could result in cash redundancy, and it means when your teammates CAN afford rifles, you will be stuck with a pistol due to lack of funds.


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