New PS Vita Coming To North America For $199

New PS Vita Coming To North America For $199
New PS Vita Coming To North America For $199

Sony just announced that the new PlayStation Vita will come on North America for $199. The new PS vita will arrive with Borderland 2 and 8GB memory card.

According to Sony’s John Koller, the portable is slated to arrive sometime this spring, complete with an 8GB memory card and a copy of Borderlands 2. In 2014 Sony plans to launch more than 100 titles for the new home console and the current stable of games is already being well played.

Sony’s latest numbers say that PS4 owners collectively spend 34 million hours playing games every week. Since launch, 172 million of those hours have been played online, and 1.7 million of them were livestreamed, allowing gamers to “celebritize themselves”.

Raja Rajan

Raja is obsessed with technology and Cricket for as long as he can remember. Nowadays he work as a freelance developer and writer for

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