Minecraft Mobs: Chicken

Gaming Category

Minecraft Mobs: Chicken

Chicken sometimes called as Duck is a passive mob in Minecraft. The passive mobs never attack a player. These mobs except squids require land to spawn on. Squids require water to spawn in.

Chickens are the passive mobs found in the Minecraft. It supplies feathers, raw chicken and chicken eggs. These are essential for arrows, food, and cakes. The Chicken measures 0.875 blocks tall, 0.5 blocks wide and 0.8125 blocks long. An egg thrown by the chicken had a chance of 1 in 8 for hatching a chick, and a 1 in 256 chance of hatching 4 chicks at once. The chicken has white feathers and wings, yellow beaks, webbed feet and red wattles. They appear around aimlessly. They have decent path finding ability. They will make no attempt to stay out of water. Chickens are drawn to light in a dark environment, and will follow the player if the player is holding wheat. When a chicken falls from a height, it flaps its wings, and falls slowly means the damage will be prevented. It will not climb up the ladder, but it will be pushed by the player.

The active chicken lays an egg every 5-10 minutes (6000-12000 ticks). Baby Chickens will follow adults, regardless of whether the adults are their parents or not.

How to breed a chicken

Chickens can be hatched by throwing the chicken eggs, allows them to be easily bred. Chicks move faster than adults and make different sounds. They take an average of 20 minutes to grow into adults. They do not lay eggs and will not drop resources if killed. Adult chickens lay an egg every 7.5 minutes, so it takes an average of 55 minutes to produce a chick by collecting and throwing the eggs of a single chicken. Doing this continuously with a large number of chickens (several dozen) will double the population roughly every hour.

Chickens can also be bred by feeding them wheat. You need to feed 2 adult chickens to breed. The parent chickens will have a delay of five minutes until they can breed again. Newborn chicks will follow their parents (or a nearby adult if hatched from an egg). It is possible to herd chickens along with any other animal if you simply walk by a chicken while holding wheat. The chicken will follow you wherever you go. You can do this to lead animals into fenced areas for easy breeding. This will still work when you’re in a boat, if you’re careful not to outrun themthis is an alternate means to lead a seed group long distances.

Chicken Farming

A chicken farm can be started with a single chicken, but as noted below. It will take an average of five game days to produce a second adult chicken by breaking the eggs of the first. Once you have a pair, you can breed them with wheat every five minutes, hopefully getting your next pair of adults within 2 game days (30 minutes), with another three or four chicks growing. The player can farm chickens by making chickens breed, breaking their eggs in a safe enclosed area. You can make chicken colony is greatly beneficial to the player; it will give the unlimited supply of feather, raw chicken and chicken eggs. Breeding them with wheat can be much faster, potentially producing a chick and a half for each adult, each game day (but costing 2 wheat for each chick). Fully automatic egg farms are also possible, since live chickens drop eggs periodically. The usual method is to place the chickens in a pool of water held up by signs so that their eggs will fall through the water into a collection area.


  • When a chicken is killed and has a boost from the hit or is thrown over a cliff by the hit, the “corpse” will also fall more slowly than normal, and the wings will still make a flapping animation.
  • When a chicken is riding a Minecraft, it is impossible to attack the chicken rather than the cart as it is completely within the hitbox of the cart.
  • Chickens are the only Overworld mob (without the use of hacks/inventory editors) that can be spawned in the Nether in Survival mode, by hatching them from throwing chicken eggs.
  • Chickens are sometimes mistaken for ducks due to their wide beaks and ability to swim.
  • If you throw chicken eggs at glass panes, there is a small chance that the Chicken will spawn on the other side of the panes, also with iron bars.
  • Despite being an animal that does not give live birth, chickens in-game are able to give live birth.
  • Chicks can be lured by wheat.
  • There is no texture for the underside of a chicken’s head, allowing you to see through it and see the inside.
  • Ocelots will attack chickens.
  • Studies show that chickens are the quickest at getting out of traps or structures when there is an opening, also with iron bars.
  • Chickens may lay eggs while dying.


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