How To Use Netflix On Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

How To Use Netflix On Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

Watch TV shows and movies, streaming from Netflix on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

Note: The Netflix application is part of your Netflix membership. For more information about membership visit

Netflix is the worlds leading subscription service for watching TV episodes and movies on your phone. This Netflix mobile application delivers the best experience anywhere, anytime.

Get the free app as a part of your Netflix membership and you can instantly watch thousands of TV episodes & movies on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. If you are not a Netflix member sign up for Netflix and start enjoying immediately on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 with our one-month free trial.

Note: A shortcut to Netflix displays on a Home screen by default.

  • From a Home screen, touch Netflix.


  • From a Home screen, touch Apps > Netflix.

Netflix offers Internet video streaming (“Watch Instantly”) of selected titles to computers running Windows or Mac OS X and to compatible devices. Internet video streaming once came at no additional charge with Netflix’s regular subscription service; however, only a portion of Netflix’s content is available via the “Watch Instantly” option. In its simplest form, video is streamed to the user using standard PC hardware, and requires Microsoft’s Silverlight software to be installed. Viewing is initiated by pressing a “Play Instantly” button, and played back on the PC monitor. Films can be paused or restarted at will. According to a 2011 report by Sandvine, Netflix is the biggest source of North American web traffic, accounting for 24.71% of aggregated traffic.

In the United States, the company provides a monthly flat-fee service for the rental of DVD and Blu-ray Discs. A subscriber creates an ordered list, called a rental queue, of movies to rent. The movies are delivered individually via the United States Postal Service from an array of regional warehouses. As of March 28, 2011, Netflix had 58 shipping locations throughout the U.S. The subscriber can keep the rented movie as long as desired, but there is a limit on the number of movies (determined by subscription level) that each subscriber can have on loan simultaneously. To rent a new movie, the subscriber must mail the previous one back to Netflix in a prepaid mailing envelope. Upon receipt of the disc, Netflix ships the next available disc in the subscriber’s rental queue.

Netflix offers several pricing tiers for DVD rental of one to three DVDs at a time. Subscribers with accounts in good standing can upgrade to plans offering up to eight DVDs at a time. Gift subscriptions are also available. Since November 21, 2008, Netflix has offered their subscribers access to Blu-ray Discs for an additional fee.

In addition to its movie rental service, Netflix formerly sold used movies. The purchase was delivered via the same system and billed using the same payment methods as rentals. This service was discontinued at the end of November 2008.

Starting January 6, 2010, Netflix reached an agreement with Warner Brothers Pictures to delay renting new releases for 28 days from their retail release in an attempt to help studios sell more physical media at retail outlets. A similar deal with Universal Studios and Twentieth Century Fox was reached on April 9, 2010.

In 2011, Netflix split its service pricing so that customers must decide whether they want to pay for online streams, access to DVDs by mail, or both.


This article will work on both Samsung Galaxy Tabs; including Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1.

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