How To Use MicroSD Card To Import Contacts – Huawei Ascend Mate

How To Use MicroSD Card To Import Contacts - Huawei Ascend Mate
How To Use MicroSD Card To Import Contacts - Huawei Ascend Mate

Learn how to use microSD card to import contacts on your Huawei Ascend Mate. Your phone supports contact files in .vcf format only.

  • Save the contacts you wish to import as a .vcf file and save the file to a microSD card.

  • Insert the microSD card into your phone. Touch File Manager then SD card to find the .vcf file.

  • Touch the .vcf file. The phone displays a message asking whether you wish to import the contacts.

  • Touch OK to import the contacts.

Note: Compatibility issues may occur with .vcf files created by other phones and certain contact information may be lost during the import.

Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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