How To Use Internet Bookmarks And History On Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

How To Use Internet Bookmarks And History On Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

Learn how to use internet bookmarks and history on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. While browsing, bookmark a site to quickly access it later on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

How to create a bookmark on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

  • From the Home screen, touch Internet.
  • Browse to a website, then touch Add bookmark. The Add bookmark options list displays. Confirm the Name and URL Address for the bookmark.
  • In the Add to field, touch the drop-down menu, and touch Homescreen, Bookmarks, or a folder.
  • Touch OK to save the bookmark. A gold star displays on the Bookmarked page.

How to access Bookmarks and History on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

  • Launch a bookmarked page or reload recent pages.
  • From the Home screen, touch Internet.
  • Touch Bookmarks, History, and Saved pages.
  • On the Bookmarks tab, use these options:
    • Touch a bookmark to load the page.
    • Touch and hold on a bookmark for these options:
    • Open: Open the bookmarked page.
    • Open in new tab: Open the linked page in a new window.
    • Edit bookmark: Make changes to the bookmark description.
    • Add shortcut to home: Create a bookmark on the Home screen.
    • Share link: Use Bluetooth, ChatON, Dropbox, Email, Gmail, Google+, or Wi-Fi Direct to send the link.
    • Copy link URL: Save the links URL to the clipboard.
    • Delete bookmark: Remove the bookmark.
    • Set as homepage: Assign the bookmarked link as the home page.
  • On the History tab, touch Today, Yesterday, Last month, Older, or Most visited to use these options:
  • Touch a page to reload it.
  • Touch the star icon next to a page to bookmark it. Touch a gold star next to a page to remove the bookmark.
  • Touch and hold on a page for these options:
    • Open: Open the webpage.
    • Open in new tab: Launch the webpage in a new window.
    • Add bookmark/Remove from Bookmarks: Bookmark the page or remove the bookmark for this page.
    • Share link: Use Bluetooth, ChatON, Dropbox, Email, Gmail, Google+, or Wi-Fi Direct to send the link.
    • Copy link URL: Save the links URL to the clipboard.
    • Remove from history: Remove the record of this page.
    • Clear history: Remove all pages from history.
    • Set as homepage: Assign the bookmarked link as the home page.
  • On the Saved pages tab, use these options:
  • Touch a page to reload it.
  • Touch and hold on a page and then touch Delete saved page to remove the page from Saved pages.


This article will work on both Samsung Galaxy Tabs; including Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1.

Amarnath Natarajan Avatar

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