How To Search Contacts – Nokia Lumia 928

How To Search Contacts - Nokia Lumia 928

Learn how to search contacts on your Nokia Lumia 928. Is the People hub overflowing? Rather than scrolling through your entire contacts list, you can search, or jump to a letter of the alphabet. You can also use a voice command to call or send a message to a contact.

  • On the start screen, tap People icon, and swipe to all.
  • Tap Search key, and start writing a name. The list filters as you write.

Jump to a letter of the alphabet

  • Tap any letter in the contacts list on the left, and in the alphabet menu, tap the fi rst letter for the name you want. You jump directly to that point in your contacts list.

Reduce the number of visible contacts

  • Tap . . . > settings > filter my contact list, and select or clear the appropriate check boxes.

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