How To Manage Apps Screen – Samsung Galaxy Alpha

How To Manage Apps Screen - Samsung Galaxy Alpha
How To Manage Apps Screen - Samsung Galaxy Alpha

Learn how to manage apps screen on your Samsung Galaxy Alpha. The Apps screen displays all applications installed on your Galaxy Alpha.

Changing the sorting method

  • On the Apps screen, tap Menu icon > View as and select a sorting method.

Hiding apps

  • Hiding apps that you do not want to see on the Apps screen.
  • On the Apps screen, tap Menu icon > Hide apps, select apps, and then tap Done.
  • To display hidden apps, tap Menu icon > Show hidden apps, select apps and then tap Done.

Moving items

On the Apps screen, tap Menu icon > Edit. Tap and hold an item and drag it to a new location.

  • To move the item to another panel, drag it to the side of the screen.
  • To move an item to a new panel, drag it to Create page that appears at the top of the screen.

Note: you can move folders only in the folder panel.

Creating folders

  • On the Apps screen, tap Menu icon > Create folder. Alternatively, tap Menu icon > Edit, tap and hold an app, and then drag it to Create folder that appears at the top of the screen.
  • Enter a folder name.
  • Tap + icon, select the apps to move to the folder, and then tap Done. The new folder is added to the folder panel of the Apps screen.

Managing folders

  • To rename a folder, select a folder and tap the existing folder name. Enter a new name for the folder and tap Done.
  • To change the color of a folder, select a folder, tap Menu icon and then select a color.
  • To move more apps to a folder, tap Menu icon > Edit, tap and hold an app, and then drag it to the folder.
  • To move an app from a folder, tap Menu icon > Edit, select a folder, tap and hold the apps, and then drag it to an app panel. If you move the app from the folder to the folder panel, a new folder is created.

Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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