Most of the competitive exams are multiple choice questions where you will be provided with 4 options. You need to select the correct answer. CAT, GMAT, GRE, IT companies questions (Infosys, Wipro, TCS, etc.) & most of the entrance tests have the same pattern. Probably, if you don’t have the answers, you would be looking for a coin for tossing (option A or B). Or looking for a die in rubber or Inky Pinky Ponkey starts.
Here are a few tips before you start the old strategy. The below guess work will help you but doesn’t guarantee for the correct answer.
Guess Work 1: Probability of answers
Option-C > Option-B> Option-A>Option – D In a balanced question paper, Option – C-40% Option B -30%, Option – A- 20% Option D – 10%
So Option C has more probability to be the correct answer.
Guess Work 2: Continuity of Choice Same Option won’t come to answer more than 3 questions in a row
Question no 51 Option -B Question no 52 Option B Question no 53 Option B Question no 54 NOT Option -B
If you are confident of answers for questions 51, 52, 53 are option B then Question 54 correct answer will not be Option B
Guess Work 3: Repeating Questions
The above sequence of questions may occur not more than twice in a question paper.
Question no 51, 52, 53 can have answer as Option-B Question no 83, 84, 85 can have answer as Option C
There are very least chances of occurrence of repeating answers in the same question set.
Guess Work 4: Check for Vowel
Read the questions clearly, if it ends with ‘an’, select the answer which starts with a vowel. Or the answer which suits with an
Guess Work 5:Check for Tense
If the question was in past tense, then the answer will also be in past tense form. So look for answers past
Guess Work 6:Fill in the blanks
If the question ends with one ___________ (one line), choose the option which has single word.
Guess Work 7: Singularity
If the question is singular form, select singular form (Example is one answer)
Like wise for plural
If the question is plural form, select the answer in plural form (Example is Multiple answer)
Guess Work 8:Complete the Sentence
Read the question along with the options. Whichever option gives you complete meaning with appropriate grammar will be the correct answer.
Look for the proper meaning with all the options.
Guess Work 9: All the Above
If one of option is ALL THE ABOVE, it has more probability to be correct answer. If two options look alike then All the above is the best bet.
Guess Work 10: None of the Above
None of the above is a rarely occurring option, so don’t vote for this option.
Guess Work 11: Condition-based questions
If the question looking like a condition, the probable answer will be false
Does triangle ABC congruent to DAC Probable Answer: False
Guess Work 12: Similar Options
If the options are similar, the probable answer will be one among the alike options.
Option A – 20 MHZ Option B – 20 KHZ Option C – 20 Hz, Option D – 50 KHZ
Answer will be one among Option A/B/C i.e: 20xxx
Guess Work 13:Not Questions
Read the instruction lines before answering the questions because sometimes questions may be asked, to select which is NOT the answer.
Don’t attempt the above guess work if your test is having Negative Scoring.
Above all, believe in your strength rather than your luck.