Female Shepard Romance Guide Mass Effect 3

Female Shepard Romance Guide Mass Effect 3

A variety of lusty lasses are available for Female Shepards everywhere to woo into a serious, full-time relationship. Monogamy is the rule in the future, so make sure to pick one and only one true love for each playthrough. See our tips for successful romance in Mass Effect 3.

Warning: All serious relationships are final! You can only have one romantic relationship. Trying one will nullify others.

Rule of Thumb: Always choose Polite or Paragon choices while talking to potential partners. Generally, those are the upper choice, with Impolite or Renegade options below.


  • Prerequisite: None.
  • New players or players with a previous relationship with Liara from ME1 can romance Liara. Early on youll be able to declare your interest in rekindling an old relationship if youve imported a save file.
  • Early in the game, youll be able to find Liara near the cafe in the Presidium Commons. Talk to her there to build intimacy and trust, and before completing the missions on Tuchanka.
  • Speak with Liara enough between missions, and eventually shell request to speak with Shepard in your cabin. Invite her up and discuss her time capsule.
  • Later on, shell send an e-mail requesting to meet on the Citadel. If youve built up enough intimacy, youll be able to commit to a serious relationship now.
  • Whether committed or not, after visiting Liaras homeworld, make sure to speak with her.


  • Prerequisite: Garrus must survive the events of ME2, and you must start a relationship with him in ME2.
  • After Garrus joins your squad again, if youre playing Female Shepard and imported a save where you were romantic with Garrus in ME2, hell mention rekindling your relationship.
  • Speak with Garrus in the main battery of the Normandy, and meet him in the Citadel whenever you can to talk. Hell usually send you an e-mail, check them regularly and stop by when he e-mails and requests to talk.
  • After the missions on Tuchanka, you can talk to Garrus in the cockpit. Youll be able to keep talking to him between missions, just keep checking, and choosing friendly responses that indicate your interest in a relationship.
  • Once enough trust is built up, Garrus will offer to meet in the Citadel. From there, hell ask you to commit to a serious relationship.


  • Prerequisite: He must survive the events of ME1.
  • If you were in a previous relationship with Kaidan, youll have extra trust already established, but youll still need to convince him youre serious during the first mission on Mars. Choose Paragon responses to reassure him of your loyalties.
  • After hes hurt, youll be able to visit Kaidan in the Huerta Memorial Hospital on the Citadel. Visit him during your first arrival, after the mission on Palaven, and before completing Tuchanka.
  • Talk to him often and build up intimacy so that he trusts you during the battle in the Citadel. Like Ashley, you can bring Kaidan a gift while hes in the hospital a bottle of Peruvian Whiskey from the store console in the lobby.
  • If you started a relationship with Kaidan in ME1 but switched to a new partner in ME2, hell be offended. Make sure to apologize! Otherwise, you can start a new relationship with Kaidan.
  • Build enough trust and Kaidan will offer to meet you in the Presidium Commons after he joins you on the Normandy. If he doesnt push for a serious relationship, you can.


  • Prerequisite: None.
  • Just like Cortez, Traynor is available at the beginning of ME3 once you have control of the Normandy. Shell always be onboard in the CIC, right next to the Galaxy Map.
  • Talk to her between missions to exchange friendly banter. Be polite, and eventually shell mention her interest in Chess. Agree to play Chess with her later.
  • Eventually, Traynor will request to see you in your cabin. Invite her up and suggest Traynor use the shower (!) after she brings it up. Then youll have the chance to commit to a serious relationship with Traynor.

Dianna Allers

  • Prerequisite: None.
  • During your first visit to the Citadel, you can find Dianna in the Normandy Docking Bay. Speak with her, be polite, and invite her onto the Normandy.
  • From there, visit Dianna after each mission to give interviews in the Normandy. If you visit her enough, eventually youll build some intimacy.
  • Once you have her interest, and after the Priority mission on the Citadel, shell request to meet up in your cabin for a private interview. From there, you can make a pass at Dianna and seal your serious relationship status.

Raja Rajan

Raja is obsessed with technology and Cricket for as long as he can remember. Nowadays he work as a freelance developer and writer for PrimeInspiration.com

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