Charge Your PSP

Gaming Category

Charge Your PSP

If you dont charge your PSP, it will be unplayable. If you have never charged your PSP before, follow the steps below

Make sure you don’t need to do anything. You should not leave a charging PSP unattended. If the battery isn’t in correctly, the PSP will make a beeping noise. If you hear this beep, unplug it immediately. Your PSP could catch on fire.

Most players charge a PSP while they are sleeping, but wait about five minutes to make sure you don’t hear a beeping.

Put the battery pack in. Make sure it is in correctly. Consult your user manual for more info about this.

Plug it into the AC adapter. The AC adapter will go in the corresponding slot on the side of your PSP.

Wait. This can sometimes be the most difficult part. It’s best to wait about two to five hours or overnight.

Unplug your PSP. Make sure you do this safely by not tugging or ripping the cord out.


Put the battery pack on the side of the back of the PSP

Don’t charge a PSP while you’re playing it. This could make the PSP’s battery dependant on being plugged in to work.

As the age old saying goes, you should wait for the battery to die completely the first couple times before charging. This way, your battery will stay charged longer in the future.


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