4 Easy Ways to Boost Cybersecurity Following WikiLeaks’ CIA Revelations


Following WikiLeaks’ release of documents that essentially showed how the CIA has been able to bypass various security measures – many are wondering if they are really as protected as they think. Although you may have nothing to hide from the CIA, it is worth noting that they are not the only people out there looking to bypass security – which is why you should definitely take steps to address any potential issues.

The good news is that it is not that hard to boost your cybersecurity, and there are 4 easy ways that you can start doing so right this moment:

Keep your software up to date

After the WikiLeaks revelations it became apparent that many of the security vulnerabilities on iOS had been patched in its most recent update. Generally most software updates contain fixes for vulnerabilities, which is why keeping your software up to date is generally advisable so that you always have the latest security updates too.

Be aware of phishing and avoid it

A common tactic by scammers is to send ‘fake’ emails that appear to be from your friends, and use it to convince you to click on a link that subsequently installs malicious software or steals your passwords. By being aware these scams exist, you can take steps to avoid it – such as scrutinizing the sender’s email, or just not clicking on links altogether and typing in website URLs manually.

Use two-factor authentication wherever possible

Many websites and online services nowadays offer two-factor authentication – which means that a code is sent to your smartphone or email after you log in and you need to input that code to access your account. While it may seem like a tedious extra step, it actually improves your security by leaps and bounds. In short it is definitely a good idea to use it wherever possible.

Scan your devices regularly for viruses and malware

It is surprising how many people still do not scan their devices regularly, and that is often the reason why malware is able to lurk undetected for so long. Ideally you should be scanning every device at least once a week, or perhaps even more frequently than that if you are truly concerned. Many modern antivirus’s have ‘shields’ that will also scan new files – which should cover you for the most part.

Although the revelations about the CIA do not seem to be anything to be too worried about, the increased emphasis it is placing on cybersecurity is definitely a positive. If you take steps now to protect yourself, you should be able to avoid most of the common attempts to bypass your security and steal your information.

As you can see there is really nothing complicated about cybersecurity and you do not need to be a tech wizard to protect yourself. Just implement these four steps, and you should be able to cover yourself sufficiently so that you are not vulnerable. Of course there is cybersecurity then there is cybersecurity – so if you want you should definitely learn more about it.

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