Use Starbucks Card Mobile App

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Use Starbucks Card Mobile App

This app is designed to speed up the ordering process and reduce the use of plastic gift cards. This feature is new to coffee junkies across the nation, the app has been for several months, and it is easy to use and free for download. Follow the simple steps below

  • Download the Starbucks Card Mobile app if you do not have it already. The app is free for both Apple and Blackberry devices.
  • Enter the code of your gift card. Type it carefully, and make sure the gift card has been activated and preloaded with money. Select the Payments tab, click Try It, and turn on the option to enable payments.
  • Order a beverage at participating Starbucks. To pay for a beverage hold the bar-code for your selected card up to the 2D scanner, and your purchase will be deducted from the balance.
  • Reload the mobile card. Connect a credit/debit card and add money to the total balance available to use. iOS users can also connect to Paypal to add to the balance. Support. Load the Starbucks card mobile app, and select Touch to Pay from the My Cards screen. Hold up the on-screen barcode to the 2D scanner, and your purchase will be deducted from the balance.
  • Reload the mobile card. Connect a credit/debit card and add money to the total balance available to use. iOS users can also connect to PayPal to add to the balance


You do not need to have a network connection to use the payments option. You do need it if you want to update your balance, however. If the barcode isn’t scanning properly, turn up the brightness of your display. If it still doesn’t work, you can read off the card numbers listed above the barcode to your barista.

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