Stop A Farmer On Pets Live

Apple Category

Stop A Farmer On Pets Live

Pets live is a game for the iPhone and iPod touch. The company that makes the game is STORM8. They have also made iMobsters and others. In Pets Live a farmer is a person or a group of people who battle someone constantly. Farmers can be a pain. They take your money etc. They can really set you back. You can stop a farmer on Pets Live, follow the simple steps below.

Try getting rid of them by ignoring them. About 2-12 months (depends on how patient the farmer is).

Do not post comments on their wall because they will use it as a link to get to your page to battle you.

Do not battle back. This is the most common mistake that people make. If you battle back they will know you are angry, mad, or upset.

If you have or are in a clan you have a higher chance to be farmed. Also if you have emoji in your name you also have a higher chance of being farmed (emoji: an app on the app store that allows you to add pictures to your text, examples are a fox, flag, cat, etc.)

Change your name so it is different.

Delete any comments that a farmer could possibly see.

Change your first pet (the one that you see first when under your profile). You can delete only when your pet has achieved level 15 or 16.

Try farming someone else to see how they try to stop you. Then use their tactics to try to escape from farmers battling you.

If it is bugging you so much, just reset your account by clicking Doctor Will, then clicking the reset account button.


  • Click the Doctor Will button to get to the points unlockables.
  • 30 points to change your name.


Haridas Gowra Avatar

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