Side Quests Locations And Rewards In Mass Effect 3

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Side Quests Locations And Rewards In Mass Effect 3

Side quests features new or recurring characters and a whole lot of loot, completing these missions wont just find you new friends, but also reward you with war asset points that help to improve your final confrontation with the Reapers.

Side Missions

Grissom Academy: Investigation

  • Prerequisites: Complete Priority: Palaven, then talk to Specialist Traynor in the Normandy.
  • Important Items: Serrice Council Chestplate, Mnemonic Visor, SMG Heatsink, SMG Magazine Upgrade, M-96 Mattock Assault Rifle, M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun, Biotic Amp Schematics, Assault Rifle Stability Damper, Assault Rifle Precision Scope.
  • Choice Consequences: Decide whether Jack joins the war. Decide whether students will become front-line fighters or support. Success means Kahlee Sanders will join the war effort.

Tuchanka: Bomb

  • Prerequisites: Complete Tuchanka: Turian Platoon, and youll be informed of the bomb during the mission debriefing.
  • Important Items: Turret Control Schematics, SMG Heat Sink, Sniper Rifle Concentration Module, Pistol Scope, Shotgun Blade Attachment, Pistol Melee Stunner, Rosenkov Materials Gauntlets, M-29 Incisor Sniper Rifle.
  • Choice Consequences: Defusing the bomb will save your Krogan War Assets from losing points later in the main campaign. Completing the mission will save Eve.

Lesuss: Ardat-Yaksha Monastery

  • Prerequisites: Before completion of Priority: Perseus Veil, youll be contacted by the Asari after Priority: Citadel 2.
  • Important Items: Sniper Rifle Spare Ammo, PDA, Pistol Melee Stunner, Serrice Council Shoulder Guards, Disciple Shotgun, Gallaes Electronic Signature, Assault Rifle Stability Dampener, Assault Rifle Precision Scope.
  • Choice Consequences: If youve imported a save, youll be able to rescue Samara if she survived the Suicide Mission. During the climax, wait for a Paragon intervention opportunity. With her saved, the Asari Commandoes and Samara will aid the war effort.

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

  • Prerequisites: After Priority: Citadel 2 but before completing Priority: Perseus Veil. This is another mission youll receive by message.
  • Important Items: Turian Toxin Data, Sniper Rifle Piercing Mod, Shotgun High-Caliber Barrel, Shotgun Spare Ammo Mod, M-6 Carnifex Pistol, Kassa Fabrication Greaves, Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade.
  • Choice Consequences: Rescuing the scientists, youll be able to suggest they help construction on the Crucible. Jack will also join as a War Asset.


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