Prevent Adware And Malware Download

Prevent Adware And Malware Download

Cyber world is the ultimate source of information and it is also a source of viruses and malicious software, sometimes you may not know that your computer is infected from viruses or Trojans and they are keeping track of your important information. So, it is important to keep your computer safe and secure. It is based on the operating system you use. It can be Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS. Here are some simple tips for you to prevent you from adware and malware downloads.

Keep all the software up to date

Keeping the software and Operating system (windows, linux, or your mobile version os) up to date is a important security step. Viruses and malwares are broadcasted every day and it is necessary that the operating system and security software on your computer is aware of the new threats. For example, Microsoft releases the security updates and patches time to time, but if you dont have windows update turned on, you will miss them. Updating the Antivirus program accordingly is very important and it will remove the viruses, and it must have a updated virus definition.

Phishy Emails

Email is one of the sources which contain the .exe and virus files, if you download such things from emails, it will spread the virus on your computer. It will mostly come with the catchy titles and subjects like Free Prize, Claim Your Rewards like that. If you open such mails and download the contents means it actually downloads the virus onto your computer and your nightmare starts. You can use proper spamming rules and use security software and email scanner for that, if it detects something, it gives you notification, and you can either delete that mail or block the sender.

Stay away from stealth download

You will be seeing the pop-up ads while browsing. Even if you are used to the pop-up blocker, these pop-ups tends you to bother you a lot. If you have clicked on some pop-ups by mistake and then they starts downloading the malware to your computer. You can use the malware and spyware protection tools to stay away from such activities. Keep your security suite up to date will prevent you from most of the problems.


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