NASA Releases Free Audio-Clip’s Of Space On Soundcloud

NASA Releases Free Audio-Clip's Of Space On Soundcloud

NASA releases album on Soundcloud which compressed of all the sound made in space as well as from space shuttle mission and also Neil Armstrong’s famous first word when he landed in moon as “A small step for(a) man”

There are 60 audio clip’s released by NASA on Soundcloud, all those sounds are available on NASA website too and those 60 audio clips include sound of space, sound of blast-off, sound of solar system, clips of famous words from NASA and JKF astronauts.

When Apolla II landed on moon Armstrong said “The eagle has landed”, both Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were there on moon for 21 hours and 36 minutes. Like that there are many interesting audio clips released on NASA Soundcloud accounts that you can browse and download.


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