Make A Wooden House That Wont Burn Down In Minecraft

Gaming Category

Make A Wooden House That Wont Burn Down In Minecraft

You can make wooden houses that wont burn down in Minecraft. Follow the simple steps below

Get any size space you can (30×100 if it’s a big house or 10×20-20×50).

Go into your inventory.

Select wooden half slabs.

Exit your inventory.

Stack 2 in a pile to form a look-a-like of a wooden plank.

Go back into your inventory and select a wooden plank and flint and steel.

Exit your inventory.

Put the Wooden Plank 1 block away from the look-a-like.

Select the flint and steel.

Set them on fire.

Which one doesn’t burn is the safe material.

Building the house.

Follow the step of putting 2 slabs on each other for the frame, walls, floors, and ceilings.

Put holes in the front of the house.

Put glass in the holes you just made.

Put doors in the holes.

Put doorways all over the floors.

Set it on fire to check you are using the wooden plank look-a-like (2 slabs on top of each other) or the house will burn to the ground.

Furnish it.

Make a Nether Brick Roof with Netherrack chimneys.

Set the chimneys on fire.

You now have a house that wont burn down!!


  • When designing on a multi-player server check for fake wooden planks by setting them on fire.
  • Netherrack make good chimneys as when lit they burn forever.


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