How To Use User Profiles – Samsung Galaxy Note Pro

How To Use User Profiles - Samsung Galaxy Note Pro

Learn how to use user profiles on your Samsung Galaxy Note Pro. Shared this tablet with multiple people by creating User accounts and Profiles.

Setting Up User Profiles

Set up user profiles and then select one when unlocking the device to use personalized settings. By setting up multiple user profiles, several users can share the device without affecting the personal settings of others, such as email accounts, wallpaper preferences, and more.

Note: You can also switch between users by sliding down the Notification Panel and touching the current User.

Change User Account Nicknames and Photo IDs

Each user can set up their account nickname, which is displayed on the Lock screen as their User ID. The photo each user uses in their personal Contact entry (listed under ME at the top of their Contacts list) is used as their User ID photo.

Deleting a User or Profile

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