How To Scan NFC Tags On Sony Xperia Z3

How To Scan NFC Tags On Sony Xperia Z3
How To Scan NFC Tags On Sony Xperia Z3

Learn how to scan NFC tags on your Sony Xperia Z3. Your device can scan various kinds of NFC tags. For example, it can scan embedded tags on a poster, on a billboard advertisement, or beside a product in a retail store. You can receive additional information, such as a web address.

To scan an NFC tag

  • Make sure that your device has the NFC function turned on and that the screen is active.
  • Place your device over the tag so that the NFC detection area touches it. Your device scans the tag and displays the content collected. Tap the content of the tag to open it.

Connecting to an NFC compatible device

  • You can connect your device to other NFC compatible devices produced by Sony, such as a speaker or a headphone. When establishing this kind of connection.

Note: You may need to have Wi-Fi or Bluetooth activated on both devices for the connection to work.

Note: Refer here to know more information on Sony Xperia Z3.

Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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