How To Make Speed Dial – HTC One M8

How To Make Speed Dial - HTC One M8

Learn how to Make Speed Dial on your HTC One M8. Use Speed dial to call a phone number with a single tap. For example, if you assign a contacts number to the number 2 key, you can just press and hold 2 to dial the number.

The number 1 key is generally reserved for your voicemail. Press and hold this key to call voicemail and retrieve your voicemail messages.

Assigning a speed dial key

  • Open the Phone app.
  • Tap Menu Key > Speed dial > + icon.


You can also press and hold an unassigned key on the dialpad, and then tap Yes.

  • Select a contact from the list.
  • On the Speed dial screen, choose the phone number of the contact to use, and a speed dial key to assign.
  • Tap Save.

Calling a number in a message, email, or calendar event

  • When you receive a text message, email, or calendar event that has a phone number in it, you can just tap the number to place a call.

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