How To Improve Battery Life – Huawei Ascend G6

How To Improve Battery Life - Huawei Ascend G6
How To Improve Battery Life - Huawei Ascend G6

Learn how to improve battery life on your Huawei Ascend G6. TheHuawei Ascend P7 comes with a built-in ‘Power saving’ option, which is the logical first port of call because it’s disabled by default when you first use the phone. When enabled, it will limit the maximum CPU speed, lower the screen power, and change background colors throughout your system apps in order to save as much power as possible.

Turn off Bluetooth, GPS

  • If you dont use Bluetooth or GPS, turn them off. Turn them on when needed only.

Alter your display’s color profile

  • On certain types of displays, such as the screen in the Huawei Ascend G6, some color profiles will use less power than others. For example, black will use less power than white. So if you have a black background then your phone should conserve battery a little better.

Adjust your screen brightness

  • The default brightness setting on phones may look good, but it’s a big battery killer if you’re constantly checking Facebook and Twitter throughout the day.
  • If you’re indoors, you probably don’t need the brightness set too high. You can easily change it and adjusting the slider until its set to an acceptable level.
  • When it comes to battery life, low brightness is better, but you may want to take advantage of the ‘Automatic brightness’ option so that your device will automatically become brighter when you’re out in the sun.

Change the screen timeout settings

  • Huawei has included a lot of clever features in the Huawei AscendG6, such as the ability to tell whether or not you’re looking at the phone directly and adjusting the display as necessary. But if you have this feature turned off, you’ll want to check your screen timeout settings.
  • You can find the screen timeout option and adjusting the settings so that the screen will turn itself off after you’ve been inactive for a certain amount of time.
  • Again, lower values are better for battery life, as your phone will conserve power by switching off the display when it isn’t needed.

Disable any radios you aren’t using

  • When radios such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are enabled, they’re constantly scanning for devices and make themselves available even if you aren’t currently using them.
  • Turning off these radios is as easy as pulling down the notification bar and switching the toggles at the top of the screen. Alternatively, you could turn them on and off here instead.

Remove unused widget

  • Widgets are nice on Android. But they are battery eaters especially those widgets that use data connection and auto sync based on schedule. Therefore, only keep those widgets that you really need.

Poor signal decrease battery life

  • Phone will use more power when signal is weak because it uses more power to increase signal strength. Always make sure that your phone has a good signal reception. Switch to 2G if 3G/4G/LTE connection signal is poor at your area.

Use Wi-Fi when available

  • Always gets connected with Wi-Fi when available and turn off 3G data connection. 3G data connection eats more battery compare to Wi-Fi connection. Turn off both of them when not needed.

Disable / reduce auto-sync

  • Data connection eats battery life. Disable or reduce background scheduled auto-sync applications like Gmail, Twitter. And reduce the frequency of auto-sync will also help to improve battery life too.

Turn off motion sensor

  • Huawei AscendG6 has lot of Motion features. Shake to update and Turn over to mute/pause. Only activate those you need.

Use solid black static wallpaper

  • Huawei Ascend G6 uses less power on solid black wallpaper because less backlight is output. And try not to use beautiful live wallpaper. Why? Lovely animated live wallpaper costs you more CPU power usage is equal to lower battery life.

Fully close application that not use

  • Huawei Ascend G6 is a great multitasking machine. But by letting lot of applications running at background actually increase battery usage because they still require CPU processing. So fully close those applications that not needed. Example: GPS navigation application.

Disable unused built-in system applications

  • You can disable unused built-in system applications. Why? Some of them are running as service even you are not using them at all.

Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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