How To Get Directions – Nokia Lumia 928

How To Get Directions - Nokia Lumia 928

Learn how to Get directions on your Nokia Lumia 928. You can get directions for walking, driving, or using public transportation using your current location or any other place as a starting point.

The route is shown on the map, along with an estimation of how long it takes to get there. Tap Down arrow icon to see the detailed directions.

Note: To get directions to a place, you can also tap the place on the map, or tap and hold a point on the map, and tap the information bubble. Tap directions to here or directions from here.

Note: You can also pin a place to the start screen for easy access. When the place is shown on the map, tap the information bubble and Pin Icon.

Switch between walking, driving, and public transport

In the detailed directions view, tap Walk icon, Car icon, or Bus icon.

Public transport routes are shown if a valid connection is found between your location and your destination. Public transport directions are available for selected regions around the world.

Note: Use turn-by-turn walk navigation to help you navigate to your destination on foot. Tap Walk icon, and at the top of the view, tap start navigation. To switch between your location, next turn, and route overview, swipe left or right.

Download and update maps

Save new maps to your phone before a journey, so you can browse the maps without an internet connection when traveling.

Delete a map

Change the look of the map

View the map in different modes, to highlight certain details and to help you find your way more easily.

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