How To Find Locations – Nokia Lumia Icon

How To Find Locations - Nokia Lumia Icon

Learn how to find locations on your Nokia Lumia Icon. HERE Maps helps you find specific locations and businesses.

Note: Want to see more info about a place? The place details view can contain general info, photos, reviews, links to guides, and further suggestions of nearby places. When the location is shown on the map, to see the place details view, tap the info bubble.

Note: When you tap a public transportation station, you can see the public transportation lines that pass through the station if public transportation info is available. If no search results are found, make sure the spelling of your search words is correct.

Discover nearby places

How To Find Locations - Nokia Lumia Icon

Looking for a new restaurant, hotel, or shop? HERE Maps suggests nearby places for you.

You can see all types of suggested places on the map.

Find certain types of nearby places

Note: To pin a category to the Start screen, after selecting a category, tap . This way you can quickly discover new places wherever you are.

Find your way inside a shopping center

How To Find Locations - Nokia Lumia Icon

No more zig-zagging in a shopping center, looking for a particular shop. HERE Maps can guide you through maze-like shopping centers and other vast buildings.

Note: To see info on a particular location in a building, such as a shop, tap the location, and then the info bubble.

Find certain types of places in a building

Find a specific place in a building

Get directions to a place

Want to find your way easily? Get directions for walking, driving, or using public transportation use your current location or any other place as the starting point.

Note: To get directions to a place, you can also tap the place on the map, or tap and hold a point on the map, and tap the info bubble. Tap directions to here or directions from here.

Get walking directions

Get voice-guided driving directions in HERE Drive+

Get directions for public transportation

Add a photo to a place

See something you like? Let others share your experience. Snap a photo and upload it for everyone to see, either on their phone or at

Rate and review a place

Save a place

To aid your travel planning, you can search for places, such as hotels, attractions, or gas stations, and save them to your phone.

Note: You can also pin a place to the Start screen for easy access. When the place is shown on the map, tap the info bubble and Pin icon.

View a saved place

Remove a saved place

Sync your saved places

Have your favorite places always backed up and at hand sync your favorites with your Nokia account.

Turn off automatic sync

Change the look of the map

View the map in different modes to highlight certain details and to help you find your way more easily.

The available options and features may vary by region. The unavailable options are dimmed.

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