How To Be An Effective Rifleman In Call Of Duty 1

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How To Be An Effective Rifleman In Call Of Duty 1

You should use the Rifle well to be an effective rifle man in Call of Duty 1. Most of these tips have been learned through hours of practice, so don’t give up if they don’t work immediately. This is an article with more relevance to unscoped weapons which are faster to aim and faster to move. Follow the simple steps below.

Choose a rifle that you like to use and suits you. For Details on rifles, see Note below.

Practice with it and become more comfortable with it.

Shoot slowly with it at first and learn to become proficient with it

Increase the speed of your shooting and aim at different things and try to be as accurate as you can.

You usually won’t have to worry about running out of bullets, unless you shoot wildly, because you will often die before you do or find more ammo.

Take your time if you’re not being fired upon. Especially take your time if you’re making longer shots.

Don’t spawnkill, this only gives you meaningless and skill-less kills and only makes everyone hate you.

Make sure you have an escape route planned in case you ever need it.

Probably most crucial, don’t give up. Even if you’re face to face with a guy with an automatic weapon, you can still kill him. Hide, Move farther away, Always keep moving (unless hiding), And don’t be afraid to use your pistol.


  • Rifle Details: Kar985- 5 bullets in a clip, Fastest, but probably the least accurate of the bolt-action rifles, but very dangerous in the right hands. Great for closing the distance somewhat and then shooting people with.
  • Mosin-Nagat – 5 bullets per clip, Medium Fast, and very accurate, it can be a little temperamental and not hit things, but overall a very good rifle.
  • M1Garand- 8 bullets in a clip, Medium Fast, fairly accurate, better for medium distances though, but better for those who don’t usually hit the first time they shoot.
  • Lee-Enfield – 10 bullets per clip, Slowest of the bolt-action rifles, but arguably the most accurate, excellent for taking long shots.
  • Shoot for the chest when aiming, even if they don’t die from it, they will often expose themselves later since they have less health. Shoot for the head if you’re making a longer shot and you have the time for it. Also only if you have a clear view of the head, or you will probably miss.
  • Circle around if you can’t attack, many levels are circular and end up having men coming back to your position anyway.
  • Remember maps; learn where there are places to hide, and places to seek shelter. Don’t camp, but don’t expose yourself too much either.
  • If you are shooting at a jeep, shoot for the driver if you have some distance between you and the car. Shoot for the machine gunner first then the passenger if you are closer.
  • Don’t expose yourself needlessly. If it’s just one man you’re shooting at, wait until he is closer and has less opportunity to take cover if you miss. Don’t shoot at machine gunners in tanks unless you have time to get to a safe place.
  • If you are outnumbered by a distance, take your time and try to hit them accurately.
  • If you are in a distance battle with another rifleman, keep moving, squeeze off as many accurate shots as you can and don’t stop no matter what.
  • If you are in a close quarters fight with someone with a machine gun, fire a round or two from your rifle (based on distance) at them and if that doesn’t work, pull out your pistol and fire your whole clip at them, it’s better not to aim just let fly with everything.
  • Never stay in one spot too long or you will become a target for those you have killed already, who will often come back with a sniper rifle to try to shoot you at a distance you can’t see very well from.
  • Find larger levels such as Italy to play on. They are perfect for learning how to shoot.


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