Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop Manual Appears, Shows Update Imminent

Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop Manual Appears, Shows Update Imminent
Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop Manual Appears, Shows Update Imminent

Samsung has updated the user manual for the Galaxy Note 4 to reflect on the changes the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update is bringing. The firmware update is anticipated to land sometime this month and the latest manual is a strong indication that the wait for owners of the phone will soon be over.

A video demonstrating Android 5.0 Lollipop running on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 surfaced last month. In it, we saw that the general look and feel of TouchWiz UI is left untouched, with the new release bringing only minor visual changes – most notable in the notification area. There should be a lot more going on under the hood though with expected major performance boost and improved battery thanks to Project Volta.

As we already reported, Samsung is jumping straight to the latest version of the OS, skipping the initial Android 5.0 release for the Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge.

Click here for more on Samsung Galaxy Note 4


Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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