Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Fire Weapons Walkthrough

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Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide  Fire Weapons Walkthrough

Rock, Paper, Genocide Fire Weapons! is a Borderlands 2 optional mission that can be completed after The Road to Sanctuary story mission.


To trigger the Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Fire Weapons mission we must go to the vending machines located on the east side of the town known as Sanctuary. Here we must speak with the vendor, Marcus Kincaid, who tells us that in order to fight with the Hyperion forces we need to learn about elemental weapons and that seems to be perfect, because it has some for us to try out in the firing range.


Marcus has some fire weapons ready for you to try out.

Level: 9


Experience: 483 XP


Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Fire Weapons is a short mission, because all we have to do is to go with Marcus to the firing range located in his shop, and then, after he gets us a target, we need to shoot it using a fire weapon.

Note that the mission can only be completed by using the right elemental weapon. If we kill the target using another weapon, we will just spawn a new target. Because of this, we have to make sure that we equip the correct weapon (received from Marcus) which can be found in our backpack.

Turning in the mission to Marcus activates the next one, named Rock, Paper, Genocide Shock Weapons!

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