Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Corrosive Weapons Walkthrough

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Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide  Corrosive Weapons Walkthrough

Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Corrosive Weapons is the third mission in the short Rock, Paper, Genocide series of missions we acquire from Marcus in Sanctuary.


Like the previous side-missions, Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Corrosive Weapons is a simple mission that teaches us the basics of elemental weapons.

This time around we learn about the effects of a corrosive weapon on an armored enemy.


Marcus has some corrosive weapons ready for you to try out.

Level: 9


Money: $24

Experience: 483 XP


To finish Borderlands 2 Rock, Paper, Genocide Corrosive Weapons we use the same strategy as before.

We search our inventory for the corrosive weapon (or if we activated this mission right after completing Rock, Paper, Genocide: Shock Weapons! the new weapon will automatically replace the equipped shock weapon) and then we shoot the armored target in Marcus Kincaids firing range from Sanctuary.

We activate the next mission, Rock, Paper, Genocide: Slag Weapons! by talking to Marcus to complete the current mission.

Next : Borderlands 2 – Rock, Paper, Genocide Slag Weapons (Optional Mission) Walkthrough

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