Act like a Roku Master with these simple tricks

Roku Experience

Roku Streaming Stick is a widely used device throughout the USA, UK, and Canada. As per the recent record, almost 22 million people have already cut their cord and plug the Television set with this quality-driven, feature-rich device. This gamer will allow you to watch more than 3,000 channels (paid or unpaid). Whether you are a big movie lover, want to keep yourself updated with the latest news, or energize yourself by listening to your favorite live band this streaming player is simply best bet for you.

Today, more than 5 Roku players are available in the marketplace including, Express, Express+, Streaming Stick, Streaming Stick+, and Ultra. However, the working of all the gamer is in some way similar but the specifications and features are quite different from one another. In this blog, you will get to know all the latest features of this amazing streaming device and how to use them to like a pro. So, let us dive into it.

Enable Private Listening

Do you like to watch movies and listen to your favorite song in full voice? If yes, then this feature is definitely for you. Now enjoy streaming digital media content in a full volume without disturbing others. Just plug your headphones on Roku through a remote control jack or with your smartphone and here you go.

Private listening is available on the latest streaming players, Roku TVs, and on Android or iOS smartphone (after downloading Roku mobile app).

Never Miss a Single Scene: Pause a Live TV

It is almost 9 and you have to head to the kitchen to prepare supper but you do not want to miss your favorite TV show. Well, fear not! If you are using a Roku player then you are fortunate enough because it allows you to save up to 90 minutes of data. Yes, you read that right. With its “Live TV Pause” feature, over-the-air TV can be paused easily but, for this, you required to connect at least 16 GB USB to your Roku TV.

Use Your Pictures to Create an Eye-Catching Screensaver

Roku comes up with three default screensavers including, Bouncing Logo, Roku Digital Clock, and Analogue Clock. None of them is efficient enough to allure user attention. But still, if you want to select one from them then Go to the Settings > Screensaver and click on the screensaver which you desired.

You can even download new screensavers from Roku channel store. But, you can only access Roku channel store if you living in the USA. For this, go to Streaming Channels > Screensavers and select the desired one.

Apart from this, you can even create screensavers by using your pictures which are stored on your smartphone. Just download the Roku mobile app and go to Settings > Mobile Screensaver. Now, you can select up to 25 pictures and set the style and size as per you want. Finally, click on Set Screensaver button.

Find the lost Roku remote control

This is the most liked feature of this gamer by its users because misplacing a remote is the most frustrating situation and we do not want to leave our cozy place to search it out. But Roku solves this problem as well with “Find My Remote Control” button. Just press this button and you will hear a distress noise. Follow that voice and you will easily track down your lost remote control wherever it lies.

Latest Enhanced Voice Search

If you are using Roku 2 or 3 then you are very well familiar with the feature Voice Search. But on May 2018, Roku has launched its new version called Enhanced Voice Search which is delivered by the Roku on OS 8.1 update. With this feature, you can search anything on your Roku device by just calling its name whether it would be a movie, TV show, actor, director, channel, themes, etc. The new thing which comes with this feature is that you can command your gamer in a more natural way.

Choose a New Theme for Streamer

Do not you like that purple default theme of Roku? Worry not. Roku comes up with five different themes including, Roku (default), Nebula, Decaf, Daydream, and Graphene. Just go to the Settings and choose the one which suits you best.

If you do not like any one of them then “Get More Themes” will take you to the Roku Channel Store’s Theme Section where you can browse online a plethora of themes. But remember not all are free of cost.

Fire up your TV with Roku and enjoy your streaming experience like a pro. Happy Streaming!

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