Steam Games For Linux Part 61 – Dwarfs – F2P


Dwarfs - F2P

As many of may already know, Steam is available on Linux. Let us see the Game titles and features exclusive on Prime Inspiration.

Dwarfs – F2P

This is the Free-2-Play version of Dwarfs!? You can download the game and play the core game in Arcade mode, plus all the Tutorials and the Challenge modes completely free, forever. No charges, no subscriptions – just free. If you like those modes and want more, you can either pick the modes that you feel like playing and buy those individually – or just buy the whole pack to unlock everything.

Dwarfs!? offers an addictive, fast paced arcade-like experience, with plenty of difficulty levels and game modes to play, in the tradition of great games such as Lemmings and Dwarf Fortress. As the new overseer for your underground Dwarf base, your job is to manage the small colony and make it as rich as possible, before they meet their inevitable doom! To survive as long as possible, youll have to steer and guide your greedy little fellows to the richest points in the caves, while avoiding all the dangers so they dont end up destroying your Town Hall and its essential supply of beer. They explore for you, they mine for you and they fight for you – but if you don’t keep an eye on them, they’ll do what they do best: die for you and take everyone else with them. But, if all else fails when the Spider Queen comes for you use the Outposts Dwarf Cannon and shoot Dwarfs at her!

There are only 3 certainties in this world: death, taxes and that Dwarfs always dig too deep!

Here is the Dwarfs – F2P Gameplay video


Key features

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