Solar Incentives: How Do They Work?

Incentives for Solar Panels / Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

So, you are finally ready to take the leap and go solar. There are many reasons to do so, but it can be a daunting process. Solar can help you save money, reduce your carbon footprint, decrease your impact on the grid, and help you breathe easier.

The cost of installation and upfront fees can be intimidating but there are amazing solar incentives that can help you get started. At this point, you may still find yourself asking, “what is a solar incentive?”

If you answered yes, keep reading for a comprehensive guide on solar incentives.

Solar Incentives Defined

They are credits or rebates that are given to encourage homeowners and businesses to go solar. If you install solar panels, you are eligible for solar tax rebates. This solar rebate can help you save up to 30% on the cost of installing solar panels.

How This Programs Work

It abounds for those who install solar panels on their homes or businesses. There are also numerous state and local solar incentives available to help offset the cost of solar. It can significantly reduce the cost of going solar and are an excellent way to encourage more people to go solar.


Solar incentives come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Here are a few examples of popular programs.

Tax Credits

A portion of your project costs can be deducted from your tax liability, lowering the amount of taxes you have to pay when you file. Aside from the federal ITC, which is available to all Americans, some states have their own state solar tax credits.


After purchasing their system, the owner receives a partial refund. Typically, this entails purchasing a solar panel from a solar vendor and then filing for a rebate with the utility company, local government, or other organization in charge of the solar rebate program.

Low-Interest Loans

Low-interest loans for renewable energy projects. These loans have a lower interest rate to encourage people to invest in energy-efficient home improvements.

Performance-Based Incentives (PBIs)

A performance-based incentive (PBI) is a type of incentive that pays a fixed amount for each kWh of solar energy generated. Your net metering agreement with your utility company governs PBIs.


The benefits of solar panel incentives are a type of subsidy that is typically given to encourage the adoption of solar PV systems. They can take the form of tax breaks, grants, or preferential loans and feed-in tariffs. Solar incentives typically aim to offset some of the upfront costs of installing a solar PV system, making it more affordable for households and businesses.

Incentives can vary greatly in terms of size and eligibility requirements, so it is worth doing some research to see what is available in your area. In some cases, like Blue Raven Solar, incentives may only be available for specific types of installations, such as those that meet certain efficiency criteria.

Switching to Solar Means Saving Money

It can help you save money on the purchase and installation of a solar energy system. There are federal, state, and local solar Incentives available. Be sure to research the solar incentives available to you to see how you can save money on your next solar energy project.

Good luck! Want to learn more about solar power? Check out our other guides!

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