Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Gapgate Is Not A Problem

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Gapgate Is Not A Problem

As Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launched in Korea, reports emerged that some of Galaxy Note 4 units got affected with aGapgate issue. The IT Today, says some of the Korean Note 4s include a gap between the screen and the metal trim large enough to insert a business card.

After reading the users manual on Galaxy Note 4, Samsung actually talked about the gap in Troubleshooting section, the company admits it designed the phone to have a gap on purpose.

A small gap appears around the outside of the device case

It says that, the Note 4 screen gap is a characteristic of device in general, not just a manufacturing issue. The second bullet point may give buyers pause, however, as a widening gap between screen and chassis doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the device’s build quality. Even the SamsungGalaxy Alpha uses a similar build quality; we havent noticed such issues yet.

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