Pangu Team Demoes Jailbreak iOS 8.4.1

HackPwn2015 - Pangu Team Jailbreaks iOS 8.4.1

A recent report indicates Pangu team has demoed an iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak on iPhone 6 at HackPwn2015 security conference on Friday. When Apple patched several vulnerabilities in iOS 8.4.1 software update thereby killing TaiG jailbreak, it is believed that jailbreak community will not release any iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak soon; considering iOS 9 was expected to be released next month.

Pangu team posted the breakthrough on their Weibo account. Pangu team does not have plans to release the jailbreak publicly for iOS 8.4.1, which makes sense with iOS 9 round the corner. It is also quite possible that the exploits used by the Pangu team can also be used to jailbreak iOS 9.

Back in June, Pangu team had also demoed iOS 8.3 jailbreak at the Mobile Security Conference (MOSEC) in Shanghai, and was planning to release it after iOS 8.4 released. However, Taig team was the first to release a jailbreak for iOS 8.3, followed by a jailbreak for iOS 8.4, so Pangu team did not release their jailbreak.

If you are on iOS 8.4.1 and want to jailbreak your device then please note that you can downgrade back to iOS 8.4 as Apple is still signing iOS 8.4 firmware file. You can then jailbreak your device using TaiG jailbreak. We will let you as soon as we get more information about iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak.

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