Moto 360 Metal Bands Arrive

Moto 360 Metal Bands Arrive
Moto 360 Metal Bands Arrive

Motorola has officially put new bands on sale for its Moto 360. If you’ve already purchased one, or look to do so soon, the smartwatch now comes with your choice of silver or black metal bands for $299.

There are the usual options in stone and black, with a congac hue on the way. In addition to those, stitched bands from DODO case and silicone colors from TYLT are in the works. The gold model that broke from cover via the aforementioned retailer was properly outed as well in an 18mm width, but it’ll cost you a bit more at $329. The light silver metal band comes in the narrower option.

Motorola Connect update, you can build custom faces with the My Design tool. The background image and watch style are both available for tweaking. Moto Body is also part of the latest software version, tallying steps, distance, heart rate and calories. It’ll sort activity goals and offer a bit of extra motivation.


Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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